Friday, 22 June 2012

High Five for Friday!

Erm, it's Friday AGAIN.
How the devil did that come about so quickly? 
High Five for Friday!
1/ Yesterday's Highland show was rather soggy, but Buzzy Bee looked superbly handsome and behaved beautifully.

2/ Who can resist a sleepy kitten?

3/ My enthusiasm to run my own smallholding knows no bounds. 
DPB thought my latest bedtime reading was very interesting. At least, that's what I think he said.
4/ The beautiful (Olympic-themed) bracelet given to me by some of the children I look after:
Please ignore the various scars.
Outdoors-ish life = end of career as a hand model.
5/ Another recent present from one of the kids I've looked after. 
It's one of my most treasured possessions EVER:
"To lexi, I am going to give you this picture because you really like it. love Fergus xxxx"

Have a great weekend!


Victoria said...

nice list!

cute kid artwork! i love framing my nicese/nephews pieces :)

Gesci said...

2. Scoop has gotten so big!!! He's all knees and elbows!
3. I want my own pig someday. Despite me having said this since long before we were together, apparently Paul thought I was kidding... yeah, I'm not. And it will live in the house.
4. That bracelet is gorgeous!

Have a great weekend- try to stay dry and warm; it's horrendous here!

still being [molly] said...

oh... my... gosh... that sleepy kitten picture is making me gush with awwwwwws. SO SWEET!!! :)

still being [molly] blog