Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Catching up

Well, I've been a busy bee lately and totally forgot to tell you about The Wedding.
Firstly, I know you've all been dying to know what a 'substantial fascinator' is, so here's a picture of me wearing mine:
Last year I would have been allowed to wear this in the Royal Enclosure at Ascot. This year I'm not so sure.
In case you were wondering. Yawn.

The reception was held in the beautiful Lennoxlove House, and to remind us which country  we were in, there was this chap ready to meet us when we arrived:
Yes, that is a canon behind him.
There was a champagne reception yum and later on there were bespoke cocktails for us to try:
Gin, elderflower and lime.
Unsurprisingly, there were many men in kilts:
It was not at all weird taking a picture of my close friend's lower-half.
It's lucky his girlfriend did not find it weird either.
Bonus points to those who can identify the tartan.
The ceilidh was held in a magnificent vaulted chamber:
My whole life seems to revolve around Hogwarts-esque buildings...
The cake was a mountain:
The wedding breakfast was sensational (yes, I'm a bit out of synch now):

There was a lot of reminiscing and catching up with wonderful university friends love you all, you fabulous people (whydomostofyouliveinLondon? Grrr), and there were discussions about the next few upcoming weddings (we're all, er,  late starters).
Representing (dress kilt-style).
To begin with, the dancing was of the superior kind:
Later on it deteriorated changed style. 
There were power ballads. 
The jackets came off and the ties may just have been tied around heads in lieu of bandanas except for DPB, whose concession to power ballading was to loosen his tie in a nonchalant fashion. Mr Suave. 
Given the number of lawyers, bankers, and accountants at the party, I feel that it would be unprofessional of me to share any photos of the wee small hours. 
Let's just say that many of my male and female friends felt that they looked a lot like this:

Safe to say, the whole day and night rocked

1 comment:

Gesci said...


Yeah... pretty sure I just flashed my American-obsessed-with-Scotland on your blog...
*meekly* I'm gonna go read the rest of the post now...