Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A dog named Lexi and other things.

As I sit here looking out on a sort of  sunny day, it's hard to think that the weekend was such a washout. 

The much-anticipated Balcarres International Horse Trials was still pretty exciting, but several days of torrential rain meant that the one-day event on the Sunday (the BE90 and BE100 classes, if anyone's interested) was cancelled. 

Needless to say, the lack of spectators rather dampened our sales for the weekend, but at least we had a lot to look at; most dangerous of all was the nasty combination of lack-of-customers and lots-of-tradestands-to-browse... I am a complete sucker for anyone with a sales pitch (I swear, they see me coming) and often end up buying things I really don't need out of politeness.
It's a problem.

Anyway, to give you a flavour of the weekend, here are some pictures:
The Little Lobster's best friend came along to keep us company.

We turned up on Saturday morning to find that our gazebo had blown away in the high winds.
As you can see, we found it by the Portaloos.
Pure class.
I got to hold an Olympic Torch!
Please note, in order to stay warm I am wearing every single item of clothing that I possess. In the middle of June.
A pipe band. Hurrah!
A little Blue Peter moment in a desperate attempt to attract more customers.
It didn't work.
There is a reason that I have included a ridiculously blurred picture of a puppy on this post: it is because she is SUPER cute and her name is Lexi.
We were meant to be together.
Although, actually, it would be a bit weird if I had a dog called Lexi.
And yes, we met in the loos.
This is as close as I got to the fun of the cross country phase.
It was still quite exciting, I just didn't get to see any of the horses jumping the fence.
If I'm honest, that took the magic away a wee bit.
To finish off this rather random post, I thought I'd treat you to a picture of the exhausted kittens:

Finally, this is a good reason why you should not let a 4-year old play with your phone:
I found this saved in my photo album, along with many other similar pictures.
I swear that there was neither a Victor nor a Kevin in Thomas the Tank Engine when I was little...
We're off to the Highland Show tomorrow with an absolutely amazing, beautiful ex-racehorse who's qualified for the RoR Class.
Hurrah! I do work sometimes, honest...

1 comment:

Gesci said...

Dogs, kittens, horses, highland cattle? I'm going to come be your helper/intern/photographer for a week. It's decided.