Monday, 9 July 2012

It's my birthday...soon

So, as the title of this post suggests, it will soon be my birthday.
I'm not one of those people that gets freaked out about getting old not much but I am aware that I am now fast approaching the final year of my twenties.
Right then.
But instead of indulging in some semi-pseudo-philosophising about my nearly-expired youth [SOB!] (as in 'cry', not the abbreviation for... well, you know) I'm going to dedicate two posts to my birthday list.
One fantasy and one real.

Now, I don't really come from a birthday-listy-type family.
I mean, I love, LOVE, lists, but I've never done the birthday list thing.
DPB, however, is all over  the list thing.
Compiling a list for one's birthday, though, is actually quite a challenge - how much is too much? Will you look greedy if you ask for something that's over, say, £20? £30? £50?

UGH. The PRESSURE of being FORCED to choose one's own presents.

In my family it's more of a you-get-what-I'm-giving-you sort of deal. This may or may not include stuff (mainly books) from charity shops, which, actually, I really don't mind.
Also, I collect vintage teacups you know, for that house that I DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE and charity shops are fertile hunting grounds for those kind of things.

Anyway, that all has nothing to do with lists.

So, today I will start with the extravagant, fantasy list.
Next time I will be keeping it real.

By the way, I realise when I say extravagant I mean 'extravagant for ME'. I'm HOPELESS at playing the 'if you had a zillion pounds what would you spend it on?' game - my first response is always 'a new wing mirror for my car'. 
Sad but true. 
Still, I think these would all qualify as respectable 'fantasy' presents.

Cartier Trinity Ring

Kim Poor Cuff

Monica Vinader Earrings

Jaeger Olympia Bag

Marc Jacobs Hillier Hobo Bag

French Sole Ballet Flats
Actually, I already own these but they're looking a little threadbare...

Smythson Travel Clutch

Also, less glamorous and far more in keeping with my actual lifestyle (but still way out of reach), there are these:
Aigle Parcours Wellies
Er, I did actually ask for these, but at approximately £100 a  pop for wellies that will soon be COVERED in sh... I feel I may not be getting them
Yes, again this is not glamourous, but it is warm and about as stylish as I get when I'm in my natural habitat.
Musto Jacket
Pikeur Julienne Breeches.
That'll be shining bright...
Next time:
What I actually asked for.
Can anyone guess?

1 comment:

Gesci said...

AHA! Now I *officially* know how old you are! I'd guessed somewhere around me (and I turned 29 this past January), and I was right!
That Cartier ring is great. Their lock bracelet is on my "ridiculously extravagant" list.
Top of my "million pounds/dollars/zloty" (zloty 'cause it's fun to say 'zloty, zloty bills, y'all') is a house in Moray. Then I'd like a good sandwich.